Clara Schüler

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I am currently pursuing my PhD in cognitive developmental neuroscience in the research group led by Charlotte Grosse Wiesmann at the Max Planck Insitute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany. I am further training to become a Gestalt therapist and I'm enganged in the non-profit meditation project Zen Lab and practicing Zen since 2019. 

My PhD project focuses on early precursors of Theory of Mind - the ability to infer what other people are thinking - in infancy and their neural foundations based on MRI data. With this, we aim at understanding how shared attention may guide infant’s mental representations and thus serve as a building block for later developing social cognitive abilities. 

On a broader scale,  I am interested in the intersection of psychology, spirituality, art, and science. Some of the questions that drive me are: What influences children's understanding of the world and themselves and how does that shape their later behavior? What are the aspects promoting  a healthy and satisfactory life? In what ways can we express and communicate our inner world? What inspires people to change their perspective in a sustained way? How can research into altered states (experienced for example through meditation, breathwork, and psychedelic substances) inform our understanding of what we are? 

- And how does all of this impact the ways in which we act towards ourselves, within society and our natural environment?

Research Interests

  • Social Cognition
  • Conciousness &
    Altered States
  • (Developmental) Trauma 

... and beyond

  • Zen Meditation
  • Body-oriented therapies
  • Art & Design
  • find out more


since 2021

Gestalt Therapist Training

Gestalt therapy is a holistic, experience and process-oriented form of psychotherapy. With the IGG Berlin, I am currently doing a 4-year training programm.

since 2019

PhD Cadidate

In the research group "Milestones of Early Cognitive Development" supervised by  Dr. Charlotte Grosse Wiesmann at the Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany. 

since 2020

Zen Lab Project

Engaged in the non-profit project Zen Lab in Leipzig, which has the intention to offer a transformative, psychologically oriented Zen practice - in the midst of a modern and urban context.


MIND Foundation Blog Editor

The MIND Blog seeks to comprehensibly communicate scientific findings about psychedelic substances. Based on knowledge and opennes, the aim is to support the societal evaluation of altered states of consciousness and their value for individuals and society.


Breathwork Facilitator Training

8-months training with Alchemy of Breath to facilitate group and individual breathwork sessions as a mind-body practice for enhanced well-being and insight.


Yoga Teacher Training

200h certified Yoga Alliances teacher training with Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School for Vinyasa & Ashtanga yoga.


M. Sc. in Molecular Biosciences
Heidelberg University

  • Master Thesis in Signaling and Functional Genomics in the lab of Prof. Michael Boutros at the German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Research Internship in Tumorimmunology in the lab of Prof. Ossendorp at the Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands.
  • 2014-2019

    Patent Attorney Student Assitant 

    Altmann, Stößel & Dick Patent Attorneys 
    (former Herzog Fiesser & Partner), 
    Mannheim, Germany


    Research Student Assitant 

    Central Institute of Mental Health
    Mannheim, Germany


    B. Sc. in Molecular Biotechnology
    Heidelberg University

    Bachelor Thesis in Experimental Neurosurgery in the lab of Prof. Christel Herold-Mende at the University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany.
